Selena Gomez Perfume

Hey Guys
So, I'm really excited because I finally received my free sample of Selena Gomez's new perfume. I received the free sample by helping to chose the smell of the perfume, so I'm proud to say that I was a part of the making of this perfume haha. I'm a huge Selena fan and I will be buying the perfume when it hits shelves. If you are wondering, the smell is very fruity. The fruits used to make the perfume are raspberry, peach, and pineapple. This perfume is best worn during the day, or spring and summer. The bootle is very girly and I would actually like to display it on my shelf. Are you guys looking forward to trying out her perfume? If you are, you can find it at Macy's for $55. Here is a picture of the bottle and have a great day. 


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