The Great Gatsby

Hi beauties do you remember my previous post about my books to read list? I just recently finished a book on that list. The book is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first I was a little lost because I was not sure from who's point of view the book was being written; I thought it was Gatsby's but it wasn't, it's his neighbor. Also, I had to find a list of the characters and who they are because sometimes the author would either use first or last names and that confused me. Overall I enjoyed the book, it was amazing, I highly recommended it if you haven't read it yet. Now I can't wait for the movie to come out this Christmas, I'm really looking forward to it. From the previews I watched it will be fairly close to the book; though it will be in 3D. Are you looking forward to the movie? Tell me what you think of the book.
Take Care!


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