Ice Cream Social

This blog is going to be about what has been going on at my school. I have been studying for my physical science class, I have a test next week and there are several pages of notes that I need to study. Also, I'm the Vice President of the teacher organization of the college and for today we had an ice cream social planned. This is when the students who are majoring in Education come together and have some time to bond with the others. Thursday, we the officers, decorated the room. We wanted to make it look good for both girls and boys. On the front door we did hung some streamers, this looked really cute. On the big table we had the ice cream, the toppings and the drinks. To the right side you can kinda see a white t-shirt that was for the students to write ideas for the club shirts we have to order. We had some really cute ideas written down. The tables were decorated with tablecloths, we made a cute design in the center with the napkins, and then we scattered candy on top of the table. I think our decorations turned out very nice, we received good feed back from the students. Oh and we played a game called two truths and one lie, this game is a great way for strangers to get to know each other; we have several freshman and we wanted to get to know them.


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