What's in my carry on bag?

Dear blog, this is a post on my carry on bag and what's inside of it.
The bag I'm using is from U.S.P.A I love this bag, it wasn't to expensive at the mall. My wallet is also from U.S.P.A. 
Inside my purse I have this plastic bag with some products inside. My EOS lip balm, hand lotion, and Lush product. 
This is my hair clip.
My phone charger
We arrived at the airport very early, but the worst part was that all the stores in our terminal were closed, so if we wanted to buy a book to read we had to go to a different terminal. Since we got there so early we had enough time to walk to the nearest bookstore and did  a bit of shopping. I was looking for the Where'd You Go Bernadette, but they did not have it; I was very upset, so I got Fifty Shades of Grey. Alright, have you read the book? Did you enjoy it? I also bought some snacks for the plane becasue all they give are little pretzels. So I got the Nature Valley Yogurt bar and Skinny Cow dreamy clusters.



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