Review on my Benefit Products and new show

Dear blog, for the month of February and March I have been trying the Benefit Skin Care for oily skin. I really enjoyed using the toner from this collection, it helps my skin feel soft after cleansing. Also, it smells good. I use this as part of my morning and night routine. This toner also removes the excess makeup that remains on my skin even after I have removed my makeup. I would love to purchase this product again, but I don't think i can spend $30 on a toner again, but I can't express how good of a toner it is; I would highly recommend it. I have also been using the spray mist, it helps my skin look fresh and is cool on my face. I would probably not purchase this item again, it really doesn't do much for my skin. I do plan on using it all because it was so pricey.

Did you guys hear, they are going to be producing "Girl Meets World", I'm so looking forward to this show  because I love "Boy Meets World". If you haven't heard about this it would be based on Cory and Topangan's children. I'm so excited, I can't wait for the show to aired. I hope it's good because then I would disappointed after such a great show as "Boy Meets World". I hope you guys are as excited as I am.


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