Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Dear blog, about two months ago I read the book Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple. I really enjoyed this book, but it left the ending very open to interpretation. I would like to think the best happened; that the family worked out their issues, but I just don't know. Never the less, the ending did make me mad not knowing for sure, I read the ending several times making sure I didn't over look anything important. I read the book in about two days. I couldn't put it down; I had to finish it. It's funny and it keeps you on your toes through the whole story. If you have not read this book I will tell you a bit about it. The story centers on a lady named Bernadette, her daughter Bee, and husband; they live in Seattle. It starts when Bee received her report card and she asked for a trip to Antarctica. At first everyone was excited, Bernadette talks to her helper from India to get her the tickets and plan the trip. Bernadette started to learn more about Antarctica and started to focus on the negative aspects of the trip. She began making excuses why she shouldn't go on the trip. Bernadette is not the happiest person, she is very resentful. Also, she is not a people person; she tries to avoid them at all costs. One of those people was her neighbor, Audrey. When it was getting closer to time for the trip to Alaska, Bernadette got worse. Her husband wanted to send her to a psychiatrist, but she resisted to the point of running away. Bee and her father went all the way to Antarctica looking for Bernadette. They did not find her in Antarctica they even tried retracing the places she could have been while in Antarctica. If you want to know about the rest of the story, go and read the book.

Anyway, I was scrolling through my facebook and came across a Tulle post and it was about this book. I think you guys should check it out.  



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