I'm Back

Dear blog, I feel awful for being gone for so long, but I feel like I don't have much to talk about. I haven't been buying clothes since I've been pregnant. I haven't found any clothes that I like. I haven't purchased/tried new makeup products because I tend to stay inside most of the time and I don't want to be using too many chemicals that may be harmful to the baby. In my previous blog I told you that I was pregnant, but now we know the sex of the baby. It's a boy!!! Yea I'm excited, I can't wait to meet the little guy. Also, in my recent post I mentioned about doing some blogilates workouts. I've tried but haven't been too successful; I end up in pain. So I found a workout DVD for pre and post pregnancy. It's a yoga DVD I bought at Barnes & Noble. That workout has helped alleviate the pain. I don't get much time to workout, but when I do, I feel great and best of all no pain. With the yoga workout I lift 3 lb weights because I want to have some strength in my arms and I do some squats to work on my legs and butt. During my second trimester I have not thrown up for which I'm very thankful. I do have certain foods that gross me out when I eat them, for example Chinese and Mexican, which I usually love. Also, some smells still make me sick so I tend to keep changing the products I use on my body. I'm putting my registry list together, I'm not entirely sure what to get or what products are best. There is so much out there for babies that I don't know what to get.


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