
Dear blog, in this post I will be showing you my baby's nursery. His nursery's theme is Disney's The Lion King from Walmart. I wanted to use a mosquito net because there are bugs where I live and also just because the mosquito net looks so cute. 

Next to the crib I have his dirty clothes basket which is from Baby's R Us. It has a lion and a monkey.

Next to the basket I have this Spongebob Squarepants treasure chest that used to belong to my brother. I'm using the chest as a place to display some his books and toys.

Next to the chest I have the changing station. The mattress cover is Simba. This was purchased at Baby's R Us. On the top part I have a music toy, a giraffe rattle, wipes, and bibs. On the second shelf I have two baskets from Walmart. I have his pajamas in one and his every day outfits in the other one. On that same shelf is the box with my nursing pads, his showers essentials, cream for his bottom, and hand sanitizer. On the last shelf I have a monkey basket given to me by my mother in law; in that basket I store some of his blankets, next to that basket I have another storage thing which is a giraffe where I have some of his socks. Next to the giraffe there is a plastic bag with more socks and lastly some extra bath essentials. 

Hanging on the side of the changing table, I have this Lion King bag that stores the diapers. Also, from Baby's R Us.

Next to the changer I have the diaper disposal system, Playtex Baby Diaper Genie. I like this diaper disposal, it holds a large amount of diapers. We change the bag about twice a week. It's very easy to use.


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