Graduation Wish List

Dear blog, graduation time is getting closer. I will be graduating with my Masters in August; I'm beyond excited. I never imagined I would make it this far. Since I have, it's all thanks to God and my family for their support. Now that I will be graduating, I'm seeking a teaching position. I'm scared and excited about being a first year teacher, but I feel such pressure to be the best teacher possible. I have found two books that I want to read this summer to help prepare me for this new journey. I love to research how to best handle a classroom while still showing love.

The first book is "Teaching With Love and Logic" by Jim Fay and David Funk. I have read Jim Fay's book "Parenting With Love and Logic" and I absolutely loved it. I will be using his discipline techniques when my son is older. Jim Fay provides great insights into how to discipline a child, while still showing love. He focuses on teaching them to be ready for the real world. There are consequences for every action we take. I want my students to learn this lesson. I'm thinking of purchasing the Love and Logic poster to display in my classroom. I want to attend one of his conferences, but it's close to $400 just for the conference; that doesn't include my plane ticket and other expenses :(.

The next book is "The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher" by Harry Wong. I think this will teach how to prepare myself for the first day.


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