Young Living Essential Oils Kit

Dear blog, I've been wanting to order the Young Living Essential Oil kit for quite a while, I just couldn't think of spending $175 on something I had never tried. I went to an oil class where I learned different ways to use the oils and learned how beneficial they can be. I hate taking medicine because I don't like the side effects. I caved in and decided to place my order; I was hesitant at first, but went through with it. When my kit arrived I was so excited, but I did not open it. I really considered returning it, it was $175!!! Well I opened the package and I knew I had to keep it, everything looks so cute. I immediately started using the diffuser with the Purification oil. Now that I have tried the products and looked at how much they cost, I have decided it is a great deal. 

The kit brought two of these drinks. They didn't taste bad, it was actually delicious.

In this box you will find the 10 oils that comes with your kit. Top row: Thieves, Peppermint, Lemon, Purification, Lavender. Bottom row: PanAway, Frankincense, Joy, Stress Away, and Tea Tree. I have tried some, I'm still figuring out how to use them. The oils can be used aromatically, topically, and internally. 

The kit brought an extra oil; Citrus Fresh, with a roller ball.

It brought a Product Guide, which has been really helpful to know how to use the oil. Also, I can look through all the products that they offer and their price. Also, it includes little samples for you to give to family and friends. Most important of all, it brings the home diffuser. I think the diffuser is so cute. The light on it can be turned off while it is on. I turn the light off when I'm using it in the bedroom at night.

I enjoy using all of the oils and learning more about them. I also, found it interesting how many of the oils are mentioned in the Bible and how they can be used. If it was good for them many years ago, why not for us??

If you are interested in trying out any of the products, please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you.


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