Take a Trip Down Memory Lane!
Dear blog, I recently learned about Invaluable: this is an auction website where you can find collectibles ranging from paintings to dolls. I have been looking through the website and I have found items that were popular during my childhood. The website brought back many memories from my childhood.
This is called a maquina de coser or a sewing machine as we would say in English. My mom had one of these to make clothes for my dolls and I. I loved to play with it and pretend I was sewing clothes. The one shown below is only a toy, but we had a real one at home.
This is called a maquina de coser or a sewing machine as we would say in English. My mom had one of these to make clothes for my dolls and I. I loved to play with it and pretend I was sewing clothes. The one shown below is only a toy, but we had a real one at home.
I grew up with two brothers and they use to play with marbles. I was never very good at it, but they did try to teach me. It was a great bonding activity for us three.
Wow,, this item brought back many memories for me. My grandparents, on my dad's side, had one of these in almost every bedroom in their house. Us children used to hide in them during a game of hide and seek. My grandparents are not alive anymore, but this armoire brought many memories from when I would their house.
I loved these Disney cups. I haven't been able to find them anywhere, until now. These cups are just adorable. I wanted to own all of them. If you don't remember them, they were originally from Burger King. My husband and I agree, they held the perfect amount for a person to drink.
Lizzie McGuire was a huge part of my childhood. This was a show on Disney Channel and I am so sad that I can't watch it anymore. I used to buy her books from the school's book fair. I bought items from her clothing line. Every girl my age wanted to be like Lizzie McGuire, and honestly, I still do.

Lastly, this was something I used a lot with my cousins. We just had to bring the radio outside, put on a CD, and dance to the music. That was a party for us.
There are so many great memories from my childhood; I wish I had the time to tell you more of them. But, this will have to suffice you for now. I hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane. It has certainly been fun for me; so many memories have been hiding out there, but now I have been able to remember them again. Plus, now I have a place to potentially purchase some of those items from my memories on Invaluable.
Have a blessed day :)