Glowing Skin!

Dear blog, have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? OR perhaps you made a whole list of resolutions like me? And on that list, did you ever include lose weight or be healthier? Well, I have. Sometimes I start the year really well and half way through January I forget about that list.

Now that I have given birth to my second child, I have a learned I won't be able to have anymore children. Since I won't ever go through pregnancy again, I want to take back my body. Not only do I want to have glowing skin, I want to be able to keep up with my children. Lately I have been noticing that my skin hasn't been looking too good and I'm ready to take action. I've been researching foods I can eat to help me achieve the skin I want and the lifestyle I want to live.

Since the school year is right around the corner, I need to have healthy snacks in my classroom, so I can eat when I get hungry. Instead of all the other snacks that will not be kind to my skin.

There is a website that has some great snacks that I can eat that will benefit me in great ways. The website is  It has nuts, dried fruitschocolate and sweets, snacks, coffee and tea, and cooking and baking.

The number one product is Matcha Green Tea Powder. I have been looking for this product and I'm glad that this website offers it. Matcha Green Tea has great benefits that you are going to want to hear.

  • It contains antioxidants
  • Helps loose weight
  • Reduce stress
  • Detoxifies our body 
Wow!!!!! This is something that I'm looking forward to adding to my routine, that would not only benefit my skin, but my body. I like that it helps loose weight, but what really speaks to me the most is stress reduction. Stress is not good because I eat when I'm stressed and I don't eat healthy foods so this will be a great product to add to my beauty routine.

The other product I want to add to my beauty routine is Chia Seeds. I've used them in the past for breakfast, I would mix it into my morning fruit smoothie. I liked it and I'm ready to bring it back after all of the good qualities that it provides.

  • Weight loss
  • Feel fuller faster 
  • Hydration for Athletes
  • Reduce your blood pressure
  • Omega 3
  • Benefits for diabetics
It's good to know that products I've used in the past are so good for me. It's helping in my decision on what I need to include in my routine to best assist my skin.

One of my favorite types of candy to eat is chocolate, but it's not kind to my skin. Nuts have raw organic cacao nibs. During my "time of the month" I crave chocolate a lot! It usually doesn't end well, but it tastes so good. This snack might be my replacement. One of my favorite smoothies is bananas with chocolate syrup, but on Nuts, I read that the cacao nibs can be placed in the smoothie. I think this is great, I can get back to drinking my banana and chocolate smoothies.

  Benefits of the cacao nibs

  • Nutritional Powerhouse
  • Brain Food
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar
  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity 
  • Lift your Mood
Great benefits I can't wait to try it!

I have never heard of this fruit, Goji Berries, but after reading the benefits of this fruit. I can't believe I haven't tried it yet! I've enjoyed other dries fruits; mangoes, pineapples, apples, etc.

Benefits of the Goji Berries

  • Anti-Aging Superfood
  • Protect Eyesight
  • Promote Skin Health
  • Boost Immune System
  • Good Source of Amino Acid
  • Liver and Kidney benefits
For sure this one needs to become part of my routine, did you notice how one of the benefits is specifically for the skin? I have to try these, and find some way to convince my husband to try them. I need to start using anti-aging products, that time is coming near. My husband was told that his liver isn't working properly, but it makes no sense because we don't drink or smoke. So if this fruit helps with the function of the liver he must add it to his health regimen. 

I just can't get over of all the wonder qualities of these products. I'm ready to achieve my summer glow. Also, if I'm eating the right kinds of food and drinking my water I can have glowing skin all year around. It just doesn't have to be for the summer. 

Here are other great snacks that you can try to achieve your summer glow! 


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