Think Dirty App

Dear blog, for a while now I've been trying to pay more attention to the products that I use on myself and my family. I want to do what's best for them and that includes using products that are safe for them to use. I've slowly been making the switch by using Young Living. I know everyone is skeptical and have their own opinions about the company. And that is okay, I respect everyone's opinion. At the end of the end of the day, you need to do what works for you and your family. I recently downloaded the app Think Dirty. I usually don't like to download apps because I forget to use them lol, but I've found myself using this app often. I've gone around my bathroom scanning products that I have and I was surprised how many of my products were rated 10 (10 is the worst) on the app. I checked makeup and body products.

You can get the app on your iPhone or Android. The app is really user friendly. All you have to do is scan the bar-code  and Think Dirty will give you easy to understand information about the ingredients in your product. Also, you have the ability to shop for the products. I almost forgot to mention, you can search for a specific brand or product! The dirty meter is 0-2 neutral, 3-6 half and half, 7-10 Dirty.

So the first thing you need to do is find the product you want to search. Then open the app and click "scan products". A box will pop up and you will need to align the bar-code in the box and wait for it to scan. Once you do that the information on your product will come up. That easy, here I showed you using my Burt's Bee Rosewater Toner. This product was rated a 3. I find that to be a good rating, considering how some other products are rated in the 10!!

 I have found this app extremely helpful and I find myself using it often. I like knowing what is in the products I'm using on myself and family. If this is a topic that interests you, I highly recommend you get this app :).


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