
Dear blog, I'm an amateur when it comes to the photography I put in my blog posts. I don't have any special equipment or even a dedicated camera. All I have is my trusty iPhone 7. I hope to move up a better camera for better quality. I would like a camera with the high resolution used by professionals, good lightning equipment, and perfect locations. So much is needed to find the perfect shot. For every photo posted in my blog, 5-7 pictures are taken to get the 1 perfect shot. I have found something that can knock the first item off my list, it's the the Light L16 camera. Adding this camera would make it so much easier to find that perfect shot. Well, maybe not, but it would certainly give me better quality pictures to choose from. Since I'm already on the subject of what goes into making a blog post, let me give you a behind the scene look at what I go through to share my life with you. 

It takes me at least two days to plan my outfits. Here are some things that I do to plan my photo shoots.Once I choose the outfit, I must decide the best location for my pictures.

I try to find a location that matches the outfit. Sometimes I find locations that work great with other outfits, but not the outfit I have ready. After I have chosen my location I plan a time of day that fits the outfit I'm featuring, but also works for whoever might be helping me that day (my husband can only help at night and some weekends, and my mom can only help during the day). I find indoor pictures to be the trickiest. I don't have much natural light and they tend to have a yellowish tint to them. I only take outdoor pictures during the day because my iPhone doesn't take good night pictures. 

I can take 10+ pictures of one specific angle, and the Lord only knows how many different angles I might try. 

When I finish taking the pictures it's time to scroll through my pictures and edit them. The editing process helps me determine which pictures captures what I'm trying to convey. Lighting is a biggie, If there are shadows or a blur, then it's not good enough. That is why I take so many. So, below are a few pictures my husband snapped of me failing to put together an outfit the other day. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a location I liked before we lost the sun. 

Once all the pictures are taken, I place them on my computer and type up the blog. This usually takes several days because I always ask my husband to preview my posts before I can post them. Perhaps one day soon I can afford the amazing camera from Light to make these pictures really pop. What goes into your blog posts or social media posts?


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