My Toddler's favorite Christmas Decorations!!

Dear blog, decorating for Christmas is one of my favorite things to do and now that I have children, I enjoy it more than ever. I love seeing their faces light up when they see the Christmas tree go up and they love helping decorate the tree. But there are certain decorations that they love playing with, even when they shouldn't lol.

Here are my toddler's favorite Christmas decorations:

He loves his Mickey's Christmas Train from Toys R Us. If you have ever read one of my blogs, you will know that my son is a train fanatic. He loves anything train related. He even watches train videos on YouTube. I've always wanted a train to put under my Christmas tree and this one is perfect; plus it's Disney themed. It doesn't stay under the tree for very long because he takes it off the track and plays with it, but when it's going around the Christmas tree it's absolutely magical. This one is affordable and easy to assemble, if you are looking for a train, I recommend this one. Not only does it run on the track, it plays Christmas music!!

Another decoration that he just loves to play is this Mickey Mouse plush toy. It plays Christmas music and it dances. My son and daughter love to see him dance! Here is a similar one. I bought mine last year.

Surprise Surprise another train is a favorite lol. I bought the Marquee Light Metal Train at Kirkland's last year. They are not selling it currently online, but they may have it in store if you like it. Kirkland's is one of my favorite stores to buy home decor. If you have a Kirkland's near you or if you like to shop online check them out. My son likes to move it around the floor like a toy train.

This is the first year that I have attempted to put together a Christmas village. I've never really had a good place to put it so I never attempted it. Also, they tend to be a bit pricey. Well this year I found some affordable pieces at Walmart. It was fun, finding the pieces I wanted to include in my "town". One of my favorites and my toddler's is Delivering the Christmas Tree car. He likes to drive around the "town'" he can't keep his hands off the car. I have to remind him that it's not a toy and that he needs to go play with his actual toys lol. Its out of stock online, but I bought mine in the store. If you would like one, check out a Walmart near you :).


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