Classroom Life: Science Experiments & Presentations

Dear blog,
It's getting closer and closer to the end of the school year and I still have so much to teach my students. I give them as much knowledge as possible. I want them to be ready to tackle the next grade. I want them to start the next school year with confidence and the way to do that is to expose them to as many techniques and experiences that I can. I'm always changing my mind about what I want to do. I want to make it as engaging as possible. I've learned that one of the best way to keep them engaged is to have them work on their laptop, which is completely different than how I want to learn, lol.

I've recently completed my unit on animals. We talked about animal structures and functions and how these things help them survive. Biology is one of my favorite topics to teach, there are so many things we can learn about our world :).

Here is one of the activities that we completed. I used a lesson from the book Even More Picture Perfect, Unbeatable Beaks and the name of the lab is "Whats the Best Beak?"

The point of the lab is to find what's the best beak for the job. The students tested three different "beaks" in three different situations and they had to determine which beak was best for each situation.

Lab materials: eyedropper, fork with tines taped, and a clothespin. The eyedropper represents the beak of a hummingbird, fork with the taped tines represents the beak of a flamingo, and the clothespin represents a toucan's beak. Two pie pans or bowls. I used pie pans, in one I put marshmallows, and in the other I put beans and water.

After the experiment, the students randomly chose a bird beak to learn some more about. They used the book "Beaks!" by Sneed B. Collard III to create a Power Point presentation. They loved learning about their bird beak and creating the Power Point to present to the class. They were engaged the entire time they were working on the assignment. They were actually asking me if I was going to assign another project like this one :).

Thank you for stopping by!
Have a blessed day:)
Happy teaching  


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