Tarte Cosmetics

Dear blog,
Tarte released a beautiful makeup collection, mermaid themed!!! Who doesn't love mermaids?? I know I do! Here are some of the products that I'm absolutely drooling over.

This is the Be a Mermaid & Make Waves Eyeshadow Palette for $42. The packaging is absolutely perfect in every way. I love the colors, they are perfect for warm weather. I like the simple, natural looks, but I can also have fun with it. Beautiful colors, its a a must have!!

I don't need any more brushes, but I can't pass these up. Look at the colors and the design! Absolutely amazing, these are the Minutes to Mermaid Brush Set for $42. They definitely have the Disney's Little Mermaid feel to them. To go with the beautiful brushes they have the Mermaid Brush Cup, a great way to display the brushes, Mermaid Brush Cup for $8. Perfect to display on a vanity. 

This is the Mermaid Glitter Gel for $18. A perfect product for summer. My birthday is in the summer and I would love to rock this mermaid look. Also, its perfect for my daughter's Little Mermaid birthday party :). Its pretty easy to use just a dab of it where ever you want. Easy enough! 

What are your thoughts on these products?

Let me know if you try any of these :)
Have a blessed day!


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