Book Review: A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Taylor Namey

Dear blog, I have used my Christmas break as a way to relax and indulge in some reading. Since the start of the school year I haven't been able to dedicate much time to reading, but school breaks are perfect for cuddling up with a good book. UsuallyI read once everyone goes to bed and the house is quiet. I can easily get lost in a book for hours which works out because I don't have to wake up as early :). I usually prefer having physical copies of the books I read; I especially like to collect cute covers (I mean who wouldn't); but in reality at the moment I don't have any places to store my books. Honestly, my house has been over taken by toys and clothes. So, I've been reading books through the Kindle app or checking out an ebook from the public library. 

This book hits very close to home for me because I had some similarities with the main character: she was Cuban, lived in Miami, and she had lost someone she loved. So, I was immediatly interested in how the story would unfold. 

A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Taylor Namey. 

The main character in this book is Lila Reyes who lives in my hometown of Miami, Fl. She had her future planned out; she was supposed to take over her grandmother's panadería (bakery), move in with her best friend after graduation, and enjoy time with her wonderful boyfriend. But everything changed when she got caught in a "trifecta". Her grandmother passed away, her best friend moved away, and her relationship fell apart. As Lila's was crashing down around her, her family thought it would be best to send her away to England for her to rest and reset. She was reluctant because she didn't want to leave her family behind, the panadería, and the comfort of being in the city she loves. 

As the days passed in London, she became more interested in trying new things. She started baking for the bakery one of her friend's owned, she made new friends, and started seeing her life in a new way. Orion  showed her what England had to offer. Obviously, it didn't take long for Lila to develop feelings for him. This book gave me all the feels: I cried, I laughed, and I fell in love with the characters. I liked that the characters had time to evolve and you can actually read about them taking the time to nurture their relationships.

After reading the book I was ready to eat some Cuban, food especially pastelitos, yum! In the end Lila learns to love England, but I won't spoil it for you. 

I recommend you check it out and find out what happens between Lila and Orion!



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