The Little Mermaid

Dear blog, I spend my days watching TV, reading books, playing word search games, playing uno, and surfing the web. As I was scrolling through my Instagram, I saw a picture of this really cute mermaid ensemble from the trendytreehouse shop and urbancomfortapparel. I was ready to make the purchase, but the urbancomfortapparel shop is currently closed until May 31. I don't want to buy the shirt and then not have the same size for the pants :(, but I'm going to try to wait until the shop opens again or I might just buy the shirt and wait for the bottom part. It's such a cute outfit that I would hate for it to sell out and I'm unable to buy it. That's typically how it works for me, if I don't buy it when I first see it, the next time I go, I can't find it.

I can't get over how cute this outfit is!!! I can't wait for my baby girl to wear it. I'm hopping she can wear it to Disney World next year, so I can just get a larger size.
 Mermaid Babes - Trendy Treehouse - 1


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