Kylie Cosmetics: So Cute Gloss
Dear blog, my husband recently surprised me with my second Kylie Cosmetic product. I always think he is not listening to me, but he really is :). He ordered me So Cute gloss, the website describes it as a pale beige. I was really excited to get this in the mail, I have enjoyed using my first Kylie Cosmetic product, Koko K Lip Kit.

I really enjoyed reading the post card that was included in this package. I like the short inspiring message Kylie chose.
This is how this gloss looked on my lips. I felt like it didn't give me much color, it felt like a clear gloss. One thing I like is that it's not sticky.
Since it felt like a clear gloss I decided to try it another way. I applied Koko K lip pencil all over my lip and then applied So Cute over it and I loved how they look together. It turned out to be a light pink which I love. This might be my everyday lip color. I'm going to need to buy another Koko K lip pencil.
There are other products I want to add to my small collection.
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