Hot Body Year Round

Dear blog, I just recently received my Hot Body Year Round book by Cassey Ho in the mail. I was so excited for this purchase because I'm a huge fan of Cassey, so why not support her by buying her book. I love how colorful it is! It is noticeable that she put a lot of time and effort into this book. Great Job Cassey!! I'm looking forward to doing the exercises she has so nicely provided; with pictures and written description :). Since you guys already know I have a baby and he is crawling, I don't have much time to workout, But, thanks to Cassey's book and the way she sets up the workouts I will be able to do it because it doesn't take much of my time. I'm excited to try the recipes she has provided in the book; this book has made it so easy because it was a pain having to look through her videos to find the recipe I wanted to try. I love the personal notes she included throughout the book; information on how much water to drink, meal plans, and encouraging notes/tips. I'm excited to start doing the exercises and recipes. Thank You Cassey.


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