Book of the Month

Dear blog, I have found an amazing website for us book lovers. I don't usually sign up for monthly boxes, but I would sign up for this monthly subscription. I'm a huge book worm: I can start a book in one day and finish it that same day. I love the different places a book can take me. This summer, I've been doing lots of reading, it has been a great distraction from everything that we are currently going through, if you don't know what I'm referring to click here. Anyway, the subscription I'm talking about is called book of the month. For 1 month it's $14.99 and on the first of the month they send you an email announcing 5 selections that the judges have chosen, you then have 6 days to decide which you would like (you can skip a month if you like), finally on the 7th your book will ship. The best part is free shipping. Who doesn't like free shipping??!! Let me know if this is something you would try.

"The more you read the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
                                                                                                                          Dr. Seuss


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