Discharged from Hospital

Dear blog, on Sunday I was discharged from the hospital that didn't mean much to me because I wasn't going back home. I will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House: it's only about 10 minutes from the hospital so I can still be close to baby. I wish I was getting to go home and take baby with me, but I know it's not the time yet. It has been a week since I had the baby. I'm still bruised severely and in quite a bit of pain, but it's getting better. I don't have to take pain medicine as often. I only take it at night time which is when the pain hits in from the exhaustion of the day. I wasn't thrilled having to leave the hospital because the beds give better support when I try to get up. But I have finally gotten well enough that it's not as difficult getting out of bed. On Tuesday I had my staples removed, oh man what a glorious day that was. I felt so much better, I could walk better and I was able to be a little bit more independent.

My husband left for home on Wednesday and my mom came up to stay with me. My son came with her as well, which I love because I was hating being so far away from him. Now it is more challenging having a baby here with me while I'm trying to recuperate and having to go to the hospital with him is a bit more chaotic. He is very active, so trying to keep him contained in a small room with a baby who is trying to grow is very difficult, but he has done better. The last time I took him in he was quiet for the most part, he tried to be calm. I was very proud of him he did not overly stimulate his sister.

I go to the hospital every morning to visit the baby. I try to do skin to skin contact now that we are allowed to hold her without any gowns. This makes me very happy because I can finally touch her soft, silky skin and feel her warmth. It's one of the most wonderful feelings getting to hold her, I enjoy every minute of the hour I'm allowed to hold her.


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