Welcome Home Baby!

Dear blog, I finally got to bring my baby girl home. We are beyond thrilled to finally have her home finally. It has been extremely difficult having her at the hospital, away from us. Now we still have some traveling to do, like taking her to an eye clinic and her monthly checkup. It has taken a little getting used to. Trying to spend time with both children, I don't want my son to feel left out. He is finally getting used to having her around, he now goes up to her bassinet to check on her! It's the sweetest thing.

I love to cuddle with my baby girl. I always wanted to have a girl, God has blessed me greatly. I have a wonderful little boy and a beautiful little girl. It's a dream come true to have one of each. 

Now I have officially become dependent on coffee, I don't sleep much. I've been going to bed at 3:00 a.m every morning. I like to be awake to feed her at 2:00 a.m.

My fuel is coffee and milk is the baby's fuel :)
I really like the Similac NEOSure formula for my baby. And I like to drink a white chocolate mocha hot from Starbucks.

Baby girl recently had an eye exam that was two hours away from home. We were up at 4:00 a.m, I wasn't too happy about being up that early. My baby boy and baby girl were troopers on the way there and back. Thank God that my mom came with me, she was a great companion. I took some gold fish snacks in a Ziploc bag in case he wanted to snack on something. Also, I'm so glad that there were toys there for him to play with and be entertained. He sat still for a little while to watch Daniel Tiger. He seemed like he enjoyed watching the show, he watches it at home. 

Like I mentioned above, I don't want my son to feel left out, so I try not to get on to him for every little thing. I have heard that when a baby is born the oldest acts like a baby again. I have definitely experienced this. But over all he has been a trooper, I can't ask more from him. He never liked to ride in his stroller so we stopped using it months ago. Now we just have him walk and when he gets tired we hold him.

Here he is trying out baby sister's stroller. Funny story, we went to the doctor for baby girl. As I was getting her car seat out my son climbed on to the stroller and did not want to come down. So he rode the stroller up to the doctor's office and then when we were leaving. As a parent I've learned to chose my battles and this one was one I was not going to fight. He wanted to ride the stroller, great, easier on me. I don't have to be running after him. Also, baby girl is not very big so I didn't mind carrying the car seat. I actually found it quite adorable, I miss him being a baby.

I love the journey that my husband and I are in, raising two wonderful children. We wouldn't want it any other way. We love them both very much!

I hope you enjoyed this post:)
God Bless


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